Ancient Healing
Ancient healing often embraced a holistic view of health, considering the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit. Many cultures believed that maintaining balance in these aspects was essential for overall well-being. Traditional healing methods relied heavily on natural remedies derived from plants, minerals, and animals. Herbal medicine, for example, played a significant role in many ancient healing systems, with a focus on using the healing properties of specific plants.
Some ancient cultures, such as those in traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda, believed in the existence of vital forces or energy flow within the body. Practices like acupuncture and yoga aimed to balance these energies to promote health and ancient healing often had a spiritual component, with rituals, ceremonies, and prayers playing a vital role. Shamans, priests, or medicine men and women were often central figures in facilitating these rituals.
Healing through the hands, rooted in the ancient shamanic traditions of Sri Lanka and India, reveals a subtle interaction between healers and the energies flowing through the palms. This age-old practice unveils a profound understanding of the interconnectedness between spiritual planes and the physical body, providing a unique perspective on healing wisdom passed down through generations.
Shamanic Roots: Spiritual Confluence in Sri Lanka
At the core of shamanic traditions in Sri Lanka lies a spiritual confluence, a result of the merging of indigenous beliefs, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Healers consider their hands as sacred channels capable of harnessing energies from nature, ancestral spirits, and cosmic forces.
Rahul Bharti has been taught shamanic healing since his early age notably with Gypsies and Indigenous tribes in Sri Lanka, Aboriginal people in Australia and Indians in Canada. He has then kept practicing ancient healing for over 40 years guiding people through any kind of challenges. Learn more about these practices and his extraordinary childhood on our blog page with other success stories.
The Energetic Prism of Hands: Manipulation and Symbolism
Hands in shamanic healing are perceived as powerful channels for vital energy, known as "prana" or "chi." This section explores in detail how healers, through specific gestures, touches, and rituals, restore energetic balance. Mudras, symbolic gestures with profound spiritual meanings, are intentionally used to invoke healing energies, symbolizing the interconnectedness between natural elements. Thus, the healer's hand becomes the sacred instrument re-establishing harmony between the physical and spiritual, creating a true bridge between both planes of existence. Hand healing follows precise sequences of movements and intentions through hand placements on different parts of the body channelling energy to heal cells, organs and emotions.
One of the mudras used to channel energies and set intention during a healing.
Harmonic Fusion: Tibetan Singing Bowls and Manual Healing
The integration of Tibetan singing bowls into shamanic hand healing represents a transcendent synergy. Revered in Tibetan traditions, these instruments add a sonic dimension to the ancient practice. Crafted from a sacred blend of seven metals, singing bowls produce penetrating vibrations that, when combined with the rhythmic movements of the healer's hands, intensify the impact on the body, mind, and soul. This sonic and tactile fusion creates an immersive experience, conducive to energetic realignment, chakra activation, emotional and physical release, and holistic healing that transcends the boundaries of the physical and spiritual. Tibetan bowls are played following sequences composed of precise placements on and around the body. Up to nine or twelve bowls can be used during treatment for one person. Playing singing bowls requires a lot of focus, preciseness and a pure intention to guide the energy and amplify the work of the frequencies.
Rahul Bharti learning and practicing the vibrations of singing bowls in his twentites.
Shamanic hand healing, rooted in the spiritual foundations of Sri Lanka, rises beyond a mere practice to become a sacred path for the transmission of vital energy. The introduction of Tibetan singing bowls, carriers of transformative frequencies, enhances this experience by creating a harmonious symphony of healing. Thus, this alliance between ancient tradition and transcendent sounds reveals an eternal symbiosis, offering a unique path to a deep understanding of the interconnectedness between spiritual planes and the physical body, while enriching the millennia-old practice of hand healing.